Pulley Power & Gear Genius

This program imparts a comprehensive understanding of pulleys and gears, two types of simple machines. Students will identify various forms of pulleys and gears and gain insight into their operations. Students will discover the historical significance of simple machines by referencing artifacts from the Beachville District Museum’s collection. Students will identify the early uses of pulleys and gears and how they evolved. As part of our hands-on learning approach, students will become engineers! They will build a gear train, a tangible way to grasp the mechanics of gears and motion. This practical experience will empower them with insights into how gears work. The Pulley Challenge activity will offer students a practical understanding of force and how pulleys make moving and managing objects easy.


Learning Objectives

- Identify how pulleys and gears simplify our daily lives

- Understand the evolving history of pulleys and gears

- Identify the types of gears in a gear train: driver, idler, and follower

- Develop an understanding of force and mechanical advantage

- Demonstrate how pulley systems and how a gear train functions

Curriculum Connections

The program directly relates to Ontario’s Grade 4: Science & Technology strand, Understanding Structures & Mechanisms: Pulleys & Gears , and Grade 4: Social Studies: Grade: Heritage and Identity: Early Societies to 1500 CE


Duration: 1 hour & 30 minutes

Cost: $3 per student


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