Day Camp Policy
Updated September 2024
Registration is completed online at the on a first-come, first-served basis. By registering your child(ren) for camp at the, you are agreeing to the terms of the Beachville District Museum’s Camp Policy. All fees are due at the time of registration, prior to the commencement of camp.
Beachville District Museum respects the privacy of all individuals. It is essential for us to collect information about our campers and their families for registration and safety purposes. The information we collect is stored in a secure database. Information is only viewed by the Museum staff and camp coordinators.
It is essential that we have accurate information about your child(ren). If you find that information has been incorrectly entered, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can update our records.
Hours of Operation and Closures
Our upcoming day camp will be in operation on Friday, January 17, 2025 between 9:00am and 4:00pm. Campers are to be picked up at/by 4:00pm.
Unfortunately, we are not able to offer extended care at this time.
Pick-up and Drop-off
Campers are to be dropped off at 9am and picked up at/by 4pm.
All campers must be signed in and out of camp daily by their parent, guardian or authorized caregiver. Only authorized parents/guardians and caregivers that were listed in your camp registration will be permitted to sign out your child(ren). A piece of valid government issued ID is required. Any modifications to your child(ren)’s list of authorized parents/guardians and caregivers must be discussed with staff in person.
Medical Matters and Emergencies
Beachville District Museum organizes a range of physical activities for campers. By registering your child(ren) in our camp, you agree that they are physically fit to participate such activities. Any concerns you might have should be disclosed to staff prior to booking.
At the time of registration, you are asked to identify any medical concerns regarding your child(ren). BDM Camp counsellors DO NOT administer medications (unless it is an emergency such as the use of an EpiPen). If you are sending any medication to camp with your child it must be labelled with the child’s name either by prescription labels or by you if it is over-the-counter.
If your child will be missing camp because of an illness, please contact the Museum to let the coordinators know (see cancellation refund policy below).
The Beachville District Museum will use its best efforts to accommodate campers with special needs. A lot of our activities can be modified for full participation by all. Sufficient advanced notice must be given to the coordinators by the parent/guardian of the camper so that accommodations can be made.
For the duration of the camp, Beachville District Museum reserves the right to take whatever steps necessary to maintain the safety and well being of its staff and camp participants. Agreement is given for your child(ren) to leave the site in an event of an emergency under supervision.
In case of outside emergency during camp hours, if you need to contact your child(ren), call the Museum directly at 1 (519) 423-6497.
photography Release
On occasion, Beachville District Museum will take photographs and videos of children during their time with us. We try to make these photos available to you at the end of the camp program. The content may be used for the purposes of advertising and documenting the institution’s history. Images may appear on third-party materials, such as websites and leaflets. When registering your child in the camp, you are asked to either provide consent for this or to opt out.
Camper Code of Conduct
All campers who participate in the Museum’s programs must conduct themselves in a respectful and courteous manner by respecting the facilities they are in, the staff that is on-site and the equipment that they make use of. Camp is not a place for bullying, violence, discrimination or intimidation.
When disagreements arise between campers, a staff member will serve as a mediator to assist the campers in resolving their differences. When campers are unable to participate in such a discussion, they will be removed from the group activity until they are willing and able to discuss the issue, after which they may rejoin the group activity.
In the event that a camper causes physical injury to another camper or staff member, intentionally causes damage to personal or public property, intentionally jeopardizes his/her safety or that of another, or manifests behaviour which is overly disruptive and disrespectful, the camper will be removed from the group, notification will be made to the persons listed on the camper’s emergency card as emergency contacts and request for the camper to be picked up from camp. Readmission to the camp will be conditioned upon the resolution of a follow-up meeting between the camp personnel, responsible adult and camper. In extreme cases, the camper will be denied readmission and withdrawn from the camp. Any decision barring the camper from returning to camp will accompanied by a letter from the camp director to the responsible adult stating the reasons for the decision. Copies of the letter will be maintained in the camper’s records and distributed to the responsible adult and the Board of Directors.
Cancellation policy
Greater than 14 days cancellation notice: 90% refund.
Between 7-14 days cancellation notice: 90% refund if your camp slot is able to be filled. 50% refund if your camp slot cannot be filled before the start date of your booking.
Less than 7 days cancellation notice: No refunds issued.
Cancellations due to illness: 90% refund with accompanying medical certificate. If no medical certificate is provided, normal cancellation policy applies.
Late arrivals, early departures or absence: Fees are non-refundable for campers arriving late or leaving early.
The Beachville District Museum reserves the right to cancel any seasonal program. In these cases, a 100% refund will be issued.
Assumption of Risk
I understand the seasonal children’s programs involve general physical activity that the camper will be involved in and I understand that there are risks associated with these activities, including risk of injury. I understand that Beachville District Museum does NOT provide medical, accident or injury insurance for my benefit.
I also understand that, in the event any conduct on the part of the camper gives rise to any claims against me, the Beachville District Museum will not be responsible for any of the camper’s conduct and I may not be covered by any liability held by the Beachville District Museum.
The Beachville District Museum reserves the right to request the withdrawal of any camper prior to the termination of the program period. If, in the opinion of the director or coordinators, the applicant has failed to conduct him/herself in a reasonable manner.